Some common concerns we hear from our clients about their face and body include not being able to reduce their size (regardless of dieting and exercise), sagging skin, and stubborn cellulite. There are so many ways that you may attempt to lose weight, yet sometimes you may find that you just aren’t successful. You’ve tried a healthy diet, exercise, and getting more sleep, but nothing seems to get rid of those stubborn pockets of excess fat.
Body and face contouring and shaping includes different techniques to help reshape and rejuvenate almost any area of the body. In the past, plastic surgery has been the only answer to these issues. Now, we are able to use non-invasive technology to reduce size in certain body areas, improve tone in lax or redundant skin, and diminish the appearance of cellulite. You take your health and your appearance seriously, but you struggle with stubborn areas of fat that don’t resolve with diet or exercise.
Body and face contouring procedures and non-invasive forms of fat loss should never be considered substitutes for diet and exercise, but they can be great options if you can’t get certain pockets of fat to dissipate through healthy living. You can now end that struggle by contouring your body and eliminating excess fat, loose skin and unsightly cellulite with non-invasive treatments at Skin Arts Aesthetics in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Body Contouring
Body contouring is an excellent way to tackle persistent pockets of fat, skin laxity, or cellulite caused by genetics, aging, pregnancy and breast-feeding, or significant weight fluctuations. A person may want to address their concerns, but they don’t want the downtime or general anesthesia associated with traditional plastic surgery. The world of body contouring procedures…

Face Contouring
Face contouring is an excellent way to tackle persistent pockets of fat, skin laxity, or cellulite caused by genetics, aging, pregnancy and breast-feeding, or significant weight fluctuations. A person may want to address their concerns, but they don’t want the downtime or general anesthesia associated with traditional plastic surgery. The world of body contouring procedures…

How are we different
A certified center for dermatology and cosmetic surgeries in a lounge like setting will have the best medical oversight. You’ll get the luxury of a treatment with the medical expertise and supervision that’s paramount to keeping your skin healthy. As doctors, they have a better idea of what a client needs, which will go a long way toward avoiding problems. Skin Arts provides the highest level of medically proved application of skin therapies by a team of experienced medical experts in Kathmandu. Individual needs are assessed prior to starting with the treatments to enhance your outer beauty in every sense. We choose nothing but the best, safest and most rigorously tested products available on the market, giving our clients full peace of mind. Some medical spa operators and laser centers call themselves “skin care specialists” when they actually have very little training and knowledge with no proper technology to back them. Skin Arts, offers a complete laser and cosmetic service under a roof with doctors taking care of your problems with the state-of-art technologies available to you. So if you want to get rid of unwanted skin problems, hair related problems, or any other help to regain your lost confidence, Skin Arts is the place you want to go to.